File downloader
A slightly more complex example, loading our gui from a glade file and dynamically add and remove widgets based on an xml file.
This is the start of a simple file downloader, it reads an xml file and creates a gui dynamically with download buttons for each element in the xml data to retrieve files.
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import requests
from io import StringIO, BytesIO
import subprocess
from lxml.html import parse
from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib, Gdk, GdkPixbuf
class application_gui:
"""Tutorial 13 custom treeview list boxes"""
count = 0
retrieve_job = None
def __init__(self):
#load in our glade interface
xml = Gtk.Builder()
#grab our widget using get_object this is the name of the widget from glade, window1 is the default name
self.window = xml.get_object('winFetcher')
#load our widgets from the glade file
self.widgets = {}
self.widgets['listbox'] = xml.get_object('listbox1')
self.widgets['progress'] = xml.get_object('listProgress')
self.widgets['refresh'] = xml.get_object('btnRefresh')
self.widgets['refresh'].connect('button_press_event', self.refresh)
self.widgets['close'] = xml.get_object('btnClose')
self.widgets['close'].connect('button_press_event', self.closeFetcher)
#wrap the listbox so we can reuse the code, pass in the listbox widget to our wrapper class
self.listbox = ListBoxSelect(self.widgets['listbox'])
#connect to events, in this instance just quit our application
self.window.connect('delete_event', Gtk.main_quit)
self.window.connect('destroy', lambda quit: Gtk.main_quit())
#show the window else there is nothing to see :)
def openFetcher(self):
def refresh(self, *args):
""" get a new xml and start the progress bar"""
self.retrieve_job = subprocess.Popen(
['curl', 'file://%s/example.xml' % os.path.abspath('./')],
GLib.timeout_add_seconds(1, self.update_active_progress_bar)
def update_active_progress_bar(self):
""" move the progress bar, when the subprocess returns handle the xml and hide the progress bar"""
if self.retrieve_job.poll():
return True
return False
def update_list(self):
""" parse the xmland grab the elements we are intrested in"""
nsmap = {'media': ''}
results = BytesIO(self.retrieve_job.communicate()[0])
doc = parse(results).getroot()
for item in doc.iterfind(".//item", namespaces=nsmap):
title = item.find('title').text
link = item.find('link').tail
description = item.find('description').text
image = item.find('thumbnail', namespaces=nsmap).get('url')
self.listbox.model_append(image, title, description, link)
def download(self):
""" retrieve the xml file in a subprocess using curl """
self.retrieve_job = subprocess.Popen(
['curl', 'file://%s/example.xml' % os.path.abspath('./')],
def closeFetcher(self, widget):
class ListBoxSelect:
""" handle the listbox rows dynamically add and remove widgets, and handle download. """
listbox = None
gui_rows = [] # store widgets here so we can destroy them later.
def __init__(self, listbox):
""" pass in list box to manage and connect event"""
self.listbox = listbox
self.listbox.connect('row-activated', self.selection)
def selection(self, lbox, lbrow):
""" row selected we may want to react here"""
boxrow = lbrow.get_children()[0]
boxinfo = boxrow.get_children()[1]
def model_append(self, image, title, description, link):
""" create new widgets, and connect events for our new row"""
items = {}
items['row'] = Gtk.ListBoxRow()
items['vbox'] = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
items['label1'] = Gtk.Label(title, xalign=0)
items['label2'] = Gtk.Label(link, xalign=0)
items['progress'] = Gtk.ProgressBar()
items['vbox'].pack_start(items['label1'], True, False, 0)
items['vbox'].pack_start(items['label2'], True, False, 0)
items['vbox'].pack_start(items['progress'], False, False, 0)
items['hbox'] = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL)
items['image'] = Gtk.Image.new_from_file(image)
items['button'] = Gtk.Button(label="Download")
items['button'].connect('button_press_event',, items, link)
items['hbox'].pack_start(items['image'], False, False, 0)
items['hbox'].pack_start(items['vbox'], True, True, 0)
items['button_box'] = Gtk.Box(orientation=Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL)
items['button_box'].pack_end(items['button'], False, False, 0)
items['hbox'].pack_start(items['button_box'], False, False, 0)
def download(self, widget, args, items, link):
""" download button click, change widgets and start the progress bar and download """
items['job'] = subprocess.Popen(
['curl', '-O', link],
GLib.timeout_add_seconds(1, self.update_active_progress_bar, items)
def update_active_progress_bar(self, widgets):
""" update progress bar until command finished """
if widgets['job'].poll():
return True
return False
def clear(self):
""" remove all rows so we can pre-populate"""
for item in self.gui_rows:
self.gui_rows = []
application = application_gui()