Python CAD Tutorial - Developing a cad application Index

Python CAD Tutorial - Developing a cad application Index


Linux has been mising a good 3d CAD program for many years, current ones have poor interfaces are missing features or are just to unstable and slow. To help rectify this situation i thought i would write my own but realising i often loose intrest in projects or hit road blocks i decided to write the software as a series of tutorials. The Aim of these tutorials is to inspire other people to work on cad software using this as a base or just enhancing this software into a functional form, this could also be the base of 3d printer CNC or laser cutter machines. We will skip the basics of gtk and not go into the maths in a high level of detail, but will aim to have clean well documented code that will be be easy to modify. If any graphics designers want to mock up a simple but functional interface that looks good please get in touch, or send some designs my way currently its lacks any real design of the interface. Here are some other suggestions for applications you could write using this code as a base, circuit design application, ui design tool, uml diagrams.