Python pixel shading example using point sprites

OpenGL program that does pixel shading, OpenGL pixels with size and textures often used for particle effects.

Draw two cubes using Kivy with different shaders.

Kivy example draw two cubes with different shaders and vertices so they can be moved seperately.

Drawing a cube while rendering widgets

Kivy example on setting up a display and drawing a basic triangle

Draw a textured square with kivy

Kivy example drawing a square and loading an image and applying to the quad as a simple texture.

Draw a simple triangle with kivy

Kivy example on setting up and displaying a basic triangle

GTK-3 Simple opengl app with touch events

Example application mixing gtk, opengl and touch, written as a demo but also as an opengl testing enviroment.

GTK-3 OpenGL inside a drawing area

Load a glade file displaying a drawing area widget and setup a context for opengl.

Python CAD Tutorial 01 - Initial Application

Load a glade file and grab the window and display on the screen, attach the close button so we can close the window.
